Annual Plans 2024

Happy New Year!

I’m trying something new and re-trying something old for 2024.

Wrap-up posts will include 3 sections: Books + Media, Arts + Crafts, Food + Health — see below for mini-goals!

I’ve become frustrated with tracking, sharing, and discussing my hobbies in scattered places online over the last few years. So, I’ve decided to slowly transition away from all that in an attempt to somewhat simplify my online activity. The first step will be consolidating my hobby-tracking stuff in one place… here, Lone Star on a Lark.

Wrap-up posts will be open to comments!

I used to allow commenting on all posts, but quickly drowned in spam. My intention is to allow comments in a slightly more limited way, in order to invite conversation without intrusion. I hope it works.

Books + Media

  • Read 24 books for Classics Club
  • Complete home library cataloging project

Arts + Crafts

  • Complete 4 cross-stitch projects
  • Complete 8 watercolor paintings

Food + Health

  • Try 60 new recipes
  • Complete The Lord of the Rings Virtual Challenge from The Conqueror Challenges

I reserve the right to add or amend these goals over time, of course.

Have something to say? This post is open to comments!


  1. I’m glad I read this post because I wanted to comment on your review of Rebecca. I totally get why you’re limiting comments. I’m sorry you’re drowning in spam. I’m surprised the Askimet plugin isn’t helping. I hardly ever get spam come through on the front end because of Akismet. I hope you figure it out!

    I did really enjoy reading your review of Rebecca. It made me laugh because I thought the same thing when I read it. Therapy for everyone!

    1. Howdy! Thank you for commenting about Rebecca; “Therapy for everyone” is RIGHT.

      I’m hopeful about the comments situation for the future. Since I had comments turned off for a while the spambots seem to have lost interest, and the few that have tried on this post did get successfully nuked by Askimet. Fingers crossed!

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